About the Breed
Springdale Australian Whites are the superior meat breed. The Australian White has been labeled by breeding associations as having high stability in both breed type and functional traits. The animal is a large breed that displays sound mobility and conformation with early maturity, high reproductive capabilities and an open breeding season. The Whites are a self-replacing breed with hardy, fast growth lambs. These qualities suit the Australian conditions providing Springdale with a successful flock.

Springdale Auctions
Springdale Stud are proud to announce their 9th Annual Auction, and first 3 day online sale which will be held at 11am on the 17th of February! This auction will follow eight previous successful sales, this forthcoming sale will have on offer a number of pure Springdale Australian Whites rams.
Springdale Australian White rams make great sires, whether you're chasing hybrid vigour for your meat producing enterprise or upgrading your existing Aussie white flock. Springdale white rams are robust, healthy and hardy! They are second to none and are a tough, strong breed that will not disappoint. View our current rams below.
Phone Mark on 0417 247 372 or click here to email Springdale for information on their next auction and purchasing information. Alternatively, contact any of the following agents below.

2023 top priced ram
Upcoming Auction Information
When: 17th-19th February 2025
Where: AuctionsPlus

Jason Traplin
Ben Hammond

Ben Johnston
Callum McNichol
Recently Purchased Sires

Latest sire
Tattykeel 210228
Purchased 2022

Tattykeel 190839
Purchased 2020
History of the Springdale Stud
Springdale first discovered the Australian Whites in 2013 through increased media attention and the following year, purchased two Australian White rams which were trialled over the White Dorper cross ewes. The results were over and above our expectations; the lambs were born full of vigour and grew rapidly with excellent conditioning through a tough winter.
The year 2015 saw Springdale purchase 20 Australian White foundation ewes from “Castlereagh” stud. At this time we also purchased two “Tattykeel” stud rams from the Gilmore family. By January 2016, we ran our first Embryo Transfer program, flushing 19 Australian White ewes. At this time Springdale also purchased a further 20 stud ewes from “Castlereagh” to increase the flock size and eventually produce the next generation of pure Australian Whites.
The progeny from this program continued to amaze us with the majority of the five-month-old ram lambs weighing upwards of 60Kg. And ewe lambs only 12 months old already giving birth without complications. The Australian Whites have displayed growth rates and fertility rates that are exceptional to our expectations.
In 2017 Springdale became a registered member of the Australian White Sheep Breeders Assocication, which means Springdale Australian White stud are registered breeders and all rams will carry a AWSBA blue tag and purchasers are assured of quality blood lines. Australian Whites registered as SPRINGDALE Flock Number 0083.
Today Springdale Aussie Whites boasts a flock size consisting of approximately 700 flock ewes which are joined yearly. The annual sale showcases the preceding years' progeny. 2025 brings approximately 60 handpicked rams reared by the consistency of the Aussie White ewes and nurtured by the Davey family.
We pride ourselves on the consistency of our sheep through developing the strong traits of the Aussie Whites such as black points, shedding ability with a hair like coat, great mothering instincts and ability to thrive in numerous Australian terrains and climates. We achieve this by sourcing and joining only the best sires for each years offspring, conducting embryo transfer and artificial insemination programmes for even genetic dispersion.

SPRINGDALE Flock No. 0083

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Australian Whites Quality Meat
Australian Whites are becoming more and more popular as a meat sheep as the quality and texture of the meat is superior and unique to the breed.
Most commonly referred to as the wagyu of the sheep world.
The carcass is of a traditional shape and size for domestic trade lamb and also when grown out is also very suitable for the export market.
The meat is of a fine texture and appealing colour, it is succulent when cooked, due to the meats high intramuscular fat content. In conjunction with its low average melting point of around 37 degrees, in comparison to other sheep breeds which gives the meat its melt in your mouth quality.

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Click here for 2021 sale outcome

In September 2021 we purchased our first rams from Springdale with lambs hitting the ground in July 2022. Despite the cold, wet start the lambs' lives and a dry December/January we have been impressed with the growth rates and finish that the lambs achieved with over 60% of the wether lambs sold fat at 48kg+ straight off there mothers running on native traprock pastures.
The ewe lambs have been similarly impressive with 70% of them scanning in lam in May following a mid-February joining. With one more week left of lambing what is evident is the small birthweights go these second generation Springdale lambs which has given a hassle free lambing for their 12-14 months old mothers. As lamb producers, we have been able to benfit from the significant investments that Springdale have regularly made to acquire rams with top genetics. They are producing quality rams with desirable commercial traits whose progeny are achieving solid growth rates, carcass quality and confirmation, along with early maturing ewes and low birthweight lambs. We are confident that this year's draft of rams will continue to deliver the same commercial outcomes and we wish Angela and Mark every success for their 2024 ram sale.
Kate, Andrew and Lara Finlay
Pikes Creek, QLD
We first purchased rams off the Davey's in 2018, after gaining interest in Australian Whites and what they could do to improve the fertility, frame score and carcass quality of our original dorper flock. Even in the first cross, the increased consistency in the lambs became evident and we were ending up with a larger framed lamb that maintained the thickness of the dorper. Over the hook we also noticed that we were able to feed lambs to a higher body weights without blowing out the grid for fat depth. The quality of lambs that Springdale rams have produced every year have since been recognized in the show ring, this year winning both 1st over the hook and 1st for pen of 3 Australian white lambs at the Stanthorpe prime lamb competition as well as 1st over the hook at the Warwick prime lamb competition where of note, two of the lambs reached a yield of 60%. As for the rams themselves, the longevity and doability must be commended. Since 2018, there has been only one Springdale ram lost to natural causes, with the rest having served in three joining's every year including the drought of 2019.
David and Michelle Murray, Meandarra QLD

As an agent having been involved with the Aussie White breed at the Springdale Stud, I have been impressed with their doing ability, shape and docility. I have purchased Rams for clients in the Stanthorpe, Warwick and Roma districts as well as far western Queensland. The rams have been used over dorper, merino and crossbred ewes and I have found that the progeny have performed well on grass, crop and grain, achieving weight gains at an early age.
David Friend, Stock and Station Agent